Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nightmare for a side sleeper- folliciles, follicles, follicles!.... Haylee

I am miserable.  No reason to sugar coat at this point.  I have now joined ranks with my stomach and moved into "I have had enough".  The Menopur shot in the morning has become the worst.  I cannot describe to you the burning & pain of that shot.  Please don't get me wrong, the other 2 shots don't feel like a walk in the park either, but the Menopur is just nasty (I cried this morning if that says anything-  I am sure this was pain coupled with frustration, but still- it hurts).  What I can say on a positive note is no mood swings from any of these medications.  Gotta love that. 

As of yesterday, I have 18 follicles- holy cow!  The little ones that needed to catch up did their job, now I have more little ones they would like to see make the leap to a bigger size (which as of today they are doing a really nice job).  My left side is very achy & sore, bending over makes me dizzy, laughing makes my stomach hurt worse & sleeping on my side is out of the question (of course I am a side sleeper, why wouldn't I be? ha ha).  Due to this I have hardly slept the past 2 days.  I am ready for them to drain these lovely follies.  Bye, bye.  No more.  See ya later.

Acupuncture is still going really well.  Carol did more blood flow work on me today and I felt a lot better when I left.  I plan to continue to work with her throughout this whole process. 

I will continue my meds through tomorrow morning (listen for me around 5:30am screaming, "f you Menopur and crying) and then back to CCRM again for labs, ultrasound, IVF physical & regroup with Dr. M, face to face.  So far it looks like we will do the trigger shot tomorrow night and retrieval is still a go for Sunday morning, 2/26.  However, Dr. M could change her mind tomorrow.  So, for now we wait & see what tomorrow brings.   

I think I can...  I think I can... 


Olivia Stipe Manke said...

Hang in there honey! You're in the home stretch. You'll feel a ton better after the retrieval.

I too cried with my shots on occasion so I know how that feels.

Jennifer said...

I'm a blog stalker :) I too have been through much of the infertility process. I am thinking of you and wishing you the BEST OF LUCK!
