Friday, May 18, 2012

I can't belive this!!! - Haylee

To honor and stay true to the open book policy Molly and I have created with our blog I have big news to tell you all even though I could have kept it a secret.  ha ha

We got the biggest surprise of our life yesterday when I took a pregnancy test and it was positive (yes, you are reading that right).  Trust me, as I was taking it I asked myself, "why do you keep wasting time & money". 

Much to my surprise when I saw "YES" I almost passed out, then I almost vomited, cried, couldn't breathe- then I repeated.  Same thing again.  Holy shit. 

I called Joe to tell him (I could barely talk- he also couldn't believe it and was so excited) then immediately put a call into my IVF nurse and awaited her call back with direction.  I was a mess.
She sent me for blood work (this is the only way to really know) to test my HcG & Progesterone levels.

The day couldn't have gone any slower.  I felt like I was in a dream (not gonna lie, I still do).  What is happening here?!  How could this be? 

FINALLY a call back from my IVF nurse with the results & Dr. M's instructions-  4:30ish- it is all a blur.  My HcG level was exactly where it should be, however progesterone was low.  She started me on Endometrin last night and I will continue to take this 3 times a day until my ultrasound & blood check on Friday, 5/25.  Hopefully the Endometrin will get my progesterone levels where they need to be.

I am still in haze of emotions and feelings.  I mean after all this time & fertility?  What about our freezer kids?  What about the fact that this is so early?  Something could go wrong?  What if there is nothing in there?  What will I do if this or that or whatever?  I could go on and on and on.  My husband said to me last night "I am going to tattoo on you 'One Step At A Time'" (because, duh,  I was having a freak out).

Those of you who know me well know I don't do one step at a time.  I am a planner.  I am a multi-tasker, thinker, worker.  I want things to be "just so".

I really thought about what he said & it is so true.  For now, I promise to my husband to try & be much better at "One Step At A Time".

Happy Friday All (have a glass of wine for me) haha!


Devon T. said...

Whoa! Congratulations. How amazing! How exciting!
I have a hard time taking one step at a time too. My husband calls it "The Snowball Effect."

Will be sending even more good belly vibes out to you and Molly over the coming months.

Kim Brady said...

I deff just bawled my eyes out, I am so happy for you! BOTH OF YOU! As you both know this is the best blessing you two could have received and I couldn't be happier for you guys!

I also want to add that I had two previous MC before I got pregnant with my daughter, I was also put onndometrin, I TRULY believe that is what kept me pregnant. I am now holding my beautiful miracle in my arms..

I am seriously so happy for you both! CONGRATS LADIES!!!!<3

Keri and Oren said...

OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! I don't know you but have been following you through Molly :) CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS! What a blessing! Having a glass of wine for you as I type ;)

emily said...


that is wonderful news, haylee. congratulations and i'm sending lots of love and good energy your way.

mom of seven said...

Oh My Gosh!!! So freaking excited for you. My one question is Why did you take a test anyway? Sending good vibes your way. I've enjoyed keeping up with you and Molly. This blog is an inspiration.

Unknown said...

What a blessing !!!

STILL not pregnant said...

mom of seven- I took it because I had a couple cheapies left over and wanted to get them out of the house. I am also a believer in the whole concept of "stranger things have happened" and "better safe than sorry" haha.

Thank you all for your kind words, support and love! More to come on Friday!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know you and I was almost crying tonight! I am so excited for you! I am Molly's friend Becca. I'll be praying for you!