Last Thursday was our weekly appointment with CCRM. We got to see the Ninja kicking his or her face off. One long leg would reach out then BAM knee to the uterus. haha It was pretty funny. Our tech sent us away with about 14 pictures this time. Very cool stuff.
I got the long awaited phone call from CCRM on Saturday that I could stop taking progesterone. Hallelujah! Monday confirmed my body was doing its job & making progesterone. This made me so happy. Something normal!
We met with Dr. D'Ambrosia for the first time Tuesday. Bitter sweet. I now leave the care of CCRM right to the care of yet another amazing top Denver doctor. For now she will still keep me under high risk pregnancy until I am 16 weeks. We are also waiting for a series of blood work results -they drained me yesterday- 7 viles of blood!! These results will be in next week.
I continue to take each day one step at a time. I continue to be a realist. And I look forward to that day when I do hit what they call the "sweet spot" or "relaxed phase". Fingers and toes crossed that is in 4 weeks.
Last but not least, I have to give a shout out to my incredible husband. He has been with me through this each step of the way. He has been so strong for me. For our growing Ninja Warrior. I am so blessed to have him as my husband & best friend. We will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary tomorrow. I am truly the luckiest girl.
Happy Friday & weekend everyone!
This pic was not my favorite, but it is cute. Ninja's first glamour shots if you will. Zoomed in on his or her chest up. I should have recorded all the kicking and star throwing that was going on this day, because the arm was far from still. haha
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